Occupational Therapy

Handwriting without Tears

This program uses engaging multi-sensory techniques and research-based methods to make handwriting a natural and automatic skill for children of all ages and abilities. Handwriting Without Tears uses a fun hands-on approach to develop good skills and teach correct letter formation.

Therapeutic Listening

Therapeutic Listening is a sound-based intervention that is embedded in a sensory integration perspective. Because the auditory system has connections to many parts of the brain, sound is a powerful way to access the nervous system and affect changes. Therapeutic Listening involves listening to specially recorded and enhanced music on headphones as part of a daily home program. The program is highly adaptable to the specific needs of the client. Typically, clients will use Therapeutic Listening twice a day for thirty minutes per session as part of a sensory diet. When combined with other therapy treatment approaches, Therapeutic Listening can have a significant impact on the client’s functional abilities and progress toward treatment goals. http://www.vitallinks.net

Sequential Oral Sensory Approach to Feeding

The SOS (Sequential Oral Sensory) Approach to Feeding program is an effective way to address problematic feeding behaviors in a variety of settings and populations. Parents and caregivers of children who will not eat are faced with a difficult and often puzzling challenge. Because the interplay between weight gain and a child’s experience of food can be complicated, there is rarely an easy solution when a feeding problem arises. The SOS Approach uses a transdisciplinary team approach which assess the “whole child”: organ systems, muscles, development sensory, oral-motor, learning/behavior, cognition, nutrition and environment.